Hello from Backyard Story Night, post-COVID

Backyard Story Night is going old skool, back to email

We have a lot of people who liked and followed us on Facebook. We aren’t on there, anymore.

We’ll be sending event announcements and invitations over email.

All are welcome. We invite you to sit in the grass, make eye contact, laugh and talk, make new friends, and listen to stories. Bring food and drink to share.

Community-oriented informal storytelling = backyard story night

A bit about kindness

The world has experienced some chaos and confusion in the last few years.

Kindness is part of what we are trying to inspire at Backyard Story Night.

We think the land, the dirt, in Texas is kind. And it infects most people who walk on the dirt in Texas with kindness. If you find yourself not being polite or kind to all, or if you see or hear folks (with any kind of power) not being polite or kind: remember, we all make mistakes.

And, the land wants kindness. At Backyard Story Night we invite you to sit on a quilt laid over the grass and dirt.

The humility of that is nice. You are closer to the dirt. So you may get more kindness.

Also consider these other great events in town

In the meantime, other nice events exist, like:

Erin and Matthew’s Hyde Park Storytelling.

Next event
Sat, May 21 • 7pm • 7213 Eastcrest Drive, Austin, Texas 78752

Paul Normandin’s Storytelling Events and Classes. Teaches storytelling classes at MerlinWorks and follow @DWTSAustinStorytellingSalon on Twitter and storytelling at the Neil Cochran House Museum

Pssst. The next storytelling event at the Neil Cochran House Museum hasn’even hit the website yet. It will be Thursday, Sept 1 at the museum at 7pm

An Evening of Music with Ashten & Ben Falter
Fri, June 17 • 6-8pm • Madrone Coffee